Eclipse Attack
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Eclipse attack is an attack method used in architectures where the network shares the workload with the nodes.
The purpose of this attack is to inactivate a particular node connection by providing more workload than its capacity and to seize the node connections.
For example, if a node has 8 connections and these connections accept up to 128 transactions, the attacker creates an overload of connections by sending more than 128 transactions to the focused node. As this overload will cause problems in the communication of all 8 connections with each other, the attacker exploits the vulnerability of the connections and takes control of the chain structure view.
Thanks to MetaAnthill, any artificial and natural traffic that can be experienced in the MetaChain network is suspended.
If (n+k) transactions arrive in the network above the node capacity, it suspends (n+k) transactions in packages in the form of n*(Node Capacity), so as not to exceed the node capacity.
Thus, neither the large number of transactions executed by the attacker nor the large number of transactions occurring naturally can cause an overcapacity load on the nodes.